The GGPWCF is the oldest regional affiliate of the
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America
The GGPWCF is an AKC Licensed Club

Playing ball

All About the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Breed

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is classified by the American Kennel Club as a member of the Herding Group. The breed's ancestors arrived in Wales perhaps as early as the ninth century and developed there as a farm dog, used primarily to herd cattle. Although the herding instinct remains, present day corgis have expanded their horizons and their purpose far beyond the Welsh farm and its cattle. Residing now around the globe, Corgis are active as companions, show dogs, obedience, tracking and agility dogs, therapy dogs and dogs for the hearing impaired, and, of course, herding dogs. Some have even been trained as gun dogs and for protection work.


Let's Talk "Tail"

In the United States the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is shown in conformation competition with a docked or natural bob-tail, per the parent PWC Club and the AKC PWC Breed Standard. However, AKC registered pure-bred Pembroke Welsh Corgis are permitted full, intact tails in ANY other AKC sanctioned performance competition event.

  1. Many of our club members participate in AKC conformation competition, so tails need docking very soon after birth to prevent pain and adverse health issues. "Docking" is generally done with a "banding," and totally bloodless technique, not by cutting.
  2. Tail docking is done when puppies are from 1-3 days old, when the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is still undeveloped. Newly docked puppies exhibit discomfort for a few moments, but return to nursing almost immediately upon being replaced with their mother.
  3. "Docking" is banned in many countries around the world, but here in America it is not. Whether for conformation competition or not, many breeders and corgi owners just prefer the "classic" Pembroke "look," without the tail.
  4. Sometimes it gets complicated when Pems are imported and exported, depending on which country's rules are in place. However, for breeding purposes, sharing Pems around the world serves to strenghen the gene-pool keeping our breed healthy and strong.

"Tailed" Pems, if you find one, are just as much fun and interesting as docked Pems.

A Big Dog in a little package

Play!Corgis are bright, intelligent, sturdy and adaptable, as easily capable of playing ball on twenty acres as snoozing on the couch in an apartment, both of which they can do for hours at a time. They are also alert watchdogs, and natural clowns. The American Kennel Club describes the Pembroke as, "Among the most agreeable of all small housedogs, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a strong, athletic, and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable without being needy. They are one the world's most popular herding breeds. At 10 to 12 inches at the shoulder and 27 to 30 pounds, a well-built male Pembroke presents a big dog in a small package. Short but powerful legs, muscular thighs, and a deep chest equip him for a hard day's work. Built long and low, Pembrokes are surprisingly quick and agile. They can be red, sable, fawn, and black and tan, with or without white markings. The Pembroke is a bright, sensitive dog who enjoys play with his human family and responds well to training. As herders bred to move cattle, they are fearless and independent. They are vigilant watchdogs, with acute senses and a 'big dog' bark. Families who can meet their bold but kindly Pembroke's need for activity and togetherness will never have a more loyal, loving pet."

Buying a Puppy

The information provided here assumes that you will be buying your puppy from a reputable breeder of Pembroke Welsh Corgis. As a breed club devoted to the welfare of the breed, we of course recommend it. What are some of the advantages? Breeders are very familiar with the characteristics and personality of the breed. Visiting a breeder allows you to see Corgis at home and at play and to see first hand how your Corgi was raised. A breeder serves as a continuing source of information when you have questions about training, grooming, feeding, etc.. For information on breeders in your area, please contact the club's recording secretary.

Corgi puppiesIf you decided that a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the dog for you, keep in mind what your needs are and how much time you have to spend. Raising a young puppy is a lot of fun but also requires a big commitment in terms of time and training, etc. Older puppies who are past the housebreaking and teething stages, or adults who have "retired" from the show ring also are sometimes available. Puppies are usually sold as pets or show prospects; the latter require an additional time commitment in order to train the puppy for the show ring and keep it in show condition. Ask the breeder to help you decide on the best Corgi for you. When buying any Corgi, whether puppy or adult, you should receive a record of vaccinations and other medical treatment, if any, a pedigree, which serves as your Corgi's "family tree," and an American Kennel Club registration form (unless, however, certain conditions were imposed when you bought your Corgi. e.g., that it be spayed or neutered, in which case registration papers usually will not be provided until the conditions are met). The breeder also should provide you with suggestions on feeding, grooming, and training. It is in your best interest to follow these suggestions - the breeder is speaking from experience and has devoted a great deal of time, effort and thought on what it take to produce a happy healthy Corgi.


The wonderful qualities that attract people to Pembroke Welsh Corgis also can be their downfall! Although intelligent, Corgis can easily come bored and their mischievous side may surface. As with any breed, Corgis should be taught manners and rules to make them better companions and guests. Remember that (1) YOU are the boss and (2)Puppies those naughty but adorable things your puppy is getting away with now will be a lot less adorable a year from now. Set limits and stick to them! Training (housebreaking and manners) can begin as soon as your Corgi is familiar with his or her new home and should be well under way by the time your puppy is six months old. There are many obedience clubs offering classes in the "basics" (walk on lead, sit, down, come and stay) - ask your breeder about information on a club in your area. Many breeders will recommend a crate for your Corgi. When used properly, it can be an essential training and housebreaking tool and can serve as a bed. Since dogs are cave or lair dwellers by nature (and Corgis do love to go in and under things), the crate also represents safety and security, especially when traveling by car.

Reference Material

Corgi reference book

The book, "The New Complete Pembroke Welsh Corgi," Hardcover – January 1, 1994. by Deborah S. Harper, is a great resource, as is all the Pembroke breed information on the American Kennel Club and Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of American websites.