Membership in the GGPWCF
The club's meetings are open to non-members and offer an opportunity to become familiar with the club and its members. Membership is open to all persons at least 18 years of age who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of the GGPWCF. To apply you need to read the Constitution & Bylaws, sign the Code of Ethics, fill out and sign the application, and have it endorsed by two club members. BOTH the Code of Ethics and Application MUST be signed and included. Email the Corresponding Secretary for the location of the next meeting.
Club Membership List
Please note this list of members does not represent all of the members of Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers. The members listed here can be contacted to find out more about the breed, breeders with puppies, along with activities such as agility, herding, rally, obedience, tracking, scent work & therapy dog work to name a few. Members may access a complete membership list in the Members Only section.
GGPWCF members are required to abide by the club's Constitution & By-Laws & Code of Ethics. Even though the following are members of the GGPWCF, in no circumstance does the GGPWCF, its officers, board members or members guarantee or warrant their services, validity of breed information, or the quality or health of the dogs which may be purchased from breeders who are members of the GGPWCF.

(Photo shared by a GGPWCF member with her American-bred and English-bred Pems "across the pond!")
Renee Broden – California Dreaming
Roseville, CA
phone: 916-765-9186
email: Renee Broden
Laura Craig – Westridge
Jackson, CA
phone: 209-263-1474
email: Laura Craig
Terry Hansen-Mitchell – Pinemeade Registered
Marysville, CA
phone: 530-308-3663
email: Terry Hansen-Mitchell
Vernon & Kathleen Jettlund – Rock Street
Santa Clara, CA
V-phone: 831-588-9064
K-phone: 408-393-1293
email: Vernon Jettlund
email: Kathleen Jettlund
Cheryl Luce – Gwyndolyns
Guinda, CA
phone: 530-363-6033
email: Cheryl Luce
Jan Yaroslav – Oakbar
Chico, CA
phone: 530-586-1608
email: Jan Yaroslav